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5.  Why is necessary a new IP protocol (IPv6)?

IPv4 has demonstrated, by means of its long life, a flexible and powerful design, but it's starting to present problems, as the increase of the IP address demand, the major of all.

New users in so inhabited countries like China or India and new technologies with always connected devices (xDSL, cable, PLC, PDAs, UMTS mobile telephones, etc) are causing the quick disappearance, in a practical way, of available IPv4 addresses.

IPv6 resolves this problem by means of creating a new IP address format, so the number of IP addresses will not extinguish although each device we are able to imagine could connect to Internet.

IPv6 also adds a lot of improvements in areas such as routing and network autoconfiguration. New devices that connect to Internet will be plug and play devices. With IPv6 is not precise to configure DNS IPs, the gateway, the subnetwork mask or any other parameters. The equipment is plugged to the network and gets, the same way, all configuration data.
