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Spanish Government approves National IPv6 Transition Plan
Posted by: Jordi on Sunday, May 01, 2011 - 11:51 AM
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On Friday 29th April 2011, the Spanish Council of Ministers has approved the Master Plan for the National transition to IPv6, with the cooperation of all the public administrations.

The Plan includes 10 points covering all the aspects required for the public administrations to tackle the IPv4 exhaustion problem with a firm commitment for the deployment of IPv6, including eGovernment services, and the cooperation with private organisations in order to make sure that IPv6 is deployed in every network in the country.

In the next months a free training program will be provided in the 20 major Spanish cities.

The summary of the Plan is published in the Moncloa web site. Also an official IPv6 web site has been released which will include further contents in the next weeks.